How to Get Back with Your Ex... Ex-Advertiser Who Stopped Buying
July 22, 2024

In the world of digital advertising, relationships between ad networks and advertiser can be as complex and dynamic as personal relationships. When an adviser who once brought significant business stops buying, it can feel like a breakup. But just like in personal relationships, there are ways to rekindle the connection and bring them back into the fold. Here’s how you can reignite the spark with your ex-adviser.

Understand Why They Left
The first step in winning back an ex-adviser is to understand why they stopped buying traffic. There could be numerous reasons, including:

Performance Issues: Perhaps the campaigns didn’t perform as expected, leading to dissatisfaction.
Budget Cuts: Sometimes external factors like budget constraints can force advisers to cut down on spending.
Competitor Networks: Other ad networks might have lured them away with better deals or features.
Service Quality: Any lapses in customer service or support could have driven them away.

Conduct a thorough analysis and, if possible, have an honest conversation with the ex-adviser to understand their reasons for leaving.

Re-evaluate and Improve Your Offerings
Once you understand the reasons for their departure, it's time to re-evaluate and improve your traffic offerings. Here’s what you can do:

Enhance Campaign Performance
Ensure your campaigns are optimized for better performance. Use advanced analytics to track and improve key metrics.

Offer Competitive Rates
Evaluate your pricing and ensure it’s competitive

  • Sometimes, just a few cents can make the difference for your ads to get their first impression
  • The initial high volume will help you find your best-converting sources faster

Improve Customer Service
Make sure your customer service is top-notch. Quick responses and proactive support can significantly improve adviser satisfaction.

  • Do they need any help with optimization?
  • Are they familiar with all the platform's opportunities and filter options?
  • Should the time zone feature be used on your ad network?

Introduce new features and tools that can provide additional value to your advisers.

  • Does your ad network offer programmatic (RTB, XML, JSON) collaborations?
  • Do they know about all the available traffic types? e.g., popunders, skimmed, banner, and native?

Personalized Outreach
Personalized outreach can make a huge difference in rekindling your relationship with an ex-buyer. Here’s how you can do it:

Tailored Communication
Use personalized emails or messages that address their specific needs and concerns. 

👉 Email - if you want to make it formal and official
👉 Telegram - for a more casual and friendly interaction
👉 Skype - yes, old school, but it helps you keep all the business conversations in one place

Exclusive Offers
Provide exclusive offers or deals to show that you value their business and are willing to go the extra mile to win them back.

  • Offer a direct deal to buy traffic when possible
  • Offer a flat deal when there is a chance

Demonstrate Value
Share case studies or success stories that demonstrate the potential value they can gain by returning to your network.

Rebuild Trust
Trust is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. To rebuild trust with your ex-adviser:

Transparency: Be transparent about any changes or improvements in your traffic and not only those you’ve made since they left.
Consistent Communication: Maintain regular and open communication to keep them updated and engaged.
Follow Through: Ensure that any promises or commitments you make are followed through. Reliability can go a long way in rebuilding trust.

Stay Persistent but Respectful
Persistence is key, but it’s essential to balance it with respect for their decision. Regularly check in without being overly pushy. Sometimes, it takes time for an ex-adviser to come around, and being consistently respectful and professional can make a big difference.

Winning back the one who left is not an easy task, but with the right approach, it’s certainly possible. Remember, just like in personal relationships, the key is to show that you care and are committed to making things better.

At the end of the day, life is cyclical and everything returns to its place.
Just like your ex, they might come back when they realize what they're missing! ️

